Phantom Zelda gallery - Photography by Cristian Stoltz

A long time ago, in The Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks, I really liked how Zelda could possess the Phantoms. When I saw the updated version of the Phantom armor in Breath of the Wild, I knew I had to cosplay it. When I finally got the time, I started designing and making patterns for my costume. I created it from scratch and this actually is my first big foam build, my first ever armor suit. A lot of love went into creating this costume, everything is hand-cut, hand-sanded, hand-painted with utmost care. The finished armor brought me a lot of joy, I am very proud of it. 

This cosplay allows me to celebrate The Legend of Zelda franchise which is very dear to me, but also to properly pay tribute to a game that has long been underrated.

I got the opportunity to go on a photoshoot with the talented Cristian Stoltz, he picked a great location and we had a lot of fun while shooting. Taking pictures outdoors was a really good choice, we got amazing shots in the beautiful nature.

One of my favorite shots is the one where the Phantom sits on top of the mountain. I think it recreates beautifully this feeling of solitude that you can get in Breath of the Wild.