Bokoblin Mask - The Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild

 Here's one of my absolute favorites : the Bokoblin mask !

I also made this one back in 2017, I was actually making this one and the Moblin mask at the same time.
For this mask I built a structure with chicken fence and then covered it with aluminum foil and tape to get the shape of a helmet. I made no pattern for this mask, just built it in one go. It's actually a shame, I had a lot of pictures of the building process but they all got lost when my phone died. (How dare you die on me like this, you stupid phone !)
The rest of the process was pretty much the same as for the Moblin mask, I sewn fleece to cover my helmet base, and added details.

I really love my Bokoblin mask, I've worn it at multiple conventions, just goofing around. I mean, who wouldn't want to walk around with an orange pig head on their head ? Plus, it's really useful for family and friends to spot you in the crowd !