Cucco !!!


Here's something fun ! I made a Cucco from The Legend of Zelda : Link's Awakening. If you're a Legend of Zelda cosplayer, that's a cool prop to have during photoshoots. If you don't cosplay, you can just have it at home as a statue. 

Creating the pattern for this one wasn't that easy, but I love the result. Now I'm ready to run around holding a chicken above my head !

Have fun making your own ! The pattern is available for free in the Patterns and blueprints section of the blog.



This is not a complicated prop but it has many parts, 42 in total.

I recommend you build in this order : beak, comb and head. Glue them together.
Then place the eyes. I wanted to add some more dimension to the eyes on my Cucco so I used wooden buttons on top of the foam dome. You can also just paint that part.

Then build the wings, tail and body and glue them together.

When you build the feet, you want to think about filling them with something a bit heavy. I used rice to fill my Cucco's feet to give it more stability. Then I used a wooden stick to pin the feet to the body and used super-glue to keep them in place.

Finally, glue the head to the body. I actually didn't glue mine but attached it with Velcro so I can open and close it whenever I want.